Firearm Reference-Miscellaneous

Media of broad interest to gun enthusiasts but not exclusively related to a specific brand of gun such as collective references about families of related firearms and books on guns in general.

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331+ Essential Tips And Tricks (A How-To Guide For The Gun Collector)

Stuart C. Mowbray

All 4 Dates Of Manufacture - Winchester, Colt, Browning & U.S. Military Arms from 1795


American Gunsmiths 2nd Edition

Frank M. Sellers

American Handgun Patents 1802-1924

Joseph J. Macewicz

American Rifle Sights

Tom Rowe

Ammo & Ballistics #2 For Hunters, Shooters and Collectors

Bob Forker

Antique Guns, The Collectors Guide

John Traister

AR-15 Complete Assembly Guide Volume 2

Walt Kuleck with Clint McKee

ARS Mechanica: The Ultimate FN Book

Auguste Francotte, Claude Gaier and Robert Karlshausen