Rifles (Cartridge-Type)

Books about all types of military smokeless powder cartridge handguns, referencing such topics as assembly / disassembly, gun cleaning / gunsmithing, serial numbers, and historical use.

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1903 Springfield Rifles

NRA Reprint

331+ Essential Tips And Tricks (A How-To Guide For The Gun Collector)

Stuart C. Mowbray

A Collector's Guide to the Savage 99 Rifle and Its Predecessors

David Royal

Accurizing & Shooting Lee Enfields

Brian Labudda & Ian Skennerton


Duncan Long

AK-47 and AK-74 Kalashnikov Rifles, The 2nd Edition Revised & Expanded

Joe Poyer

AK47 Assault Rifle


AK47, The

Chris McNab

Allied Rifle Contracts in America 1914-1918

Luke Mercaldo